
a Tribute to the Revolution
Kiev, 2004/2005

The installation is build around one of the oil-drums (used for heating in the tent camp on Khreshchatyk) as a symbol of the revolution. Inspired by the beautiful golden roofing's on the towers of Kiev, the oil drum is carried by metal arcs with woven metal wires, consisting of words in Ukraine and in Russian. Those words are the answers to the question: "What is most important for you in the future?" This question was asked to many different people in the streets of Kiev and the answers show that in fact everyone, beyond political differences, is longing for the same things.


Further on, visitors of the artwork are asked to complete the installation by writings words on paper about matters from the past they would like to leave behind. Those papers are made to stopples and thrown inside the cupola below the oil-drum. Those stopples can be seen as the fuel of the revolution.
The light in the middle shines on the words of hope, casting their shadows on the walls around. interview MeerTV / video documentary project

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